Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Archetypes of the characters, plot and setting of Callaghen

Character Archetypes: Callaghen is the main character of Callaghen and he is a combination of a hero and a seeker in this book. He is the good guy of the book and he also he looking to seek something, which in this cause is the gold. Other characters like Captain Hill, Major Sykes and Lieutenant Sprague would be classified as friends because they are friends of Callaghen. Malinda Colton would be Callaghen's friend and lover. Beamis, Delaware, and Ridge would also be included in Callaghen friends because they are fighting by Callaghen's side during the whole book. The Mohaves, the Indians, would be like the villains in this book because they were always trying to kill Callaghen. Also, the villains would include Champion, Spencer,Wylie, Bolin and Barber because they were trying to kill Callaghen, Beamis and the girls at the end.

Setting: The setting takes place in the desert but it never says where the desert is or what the name of it is. The desert provides a place of isolation from any other civilization because of the vast open space and water is hard to find. Couple of times in the book Callaghen describes the desert as a holy place or a beautiful place because of what it looks like in the mornings. During the day the desert is very hot but at night it is very cold. The archetype for the setting of this book would have to be forest because of everything is wild in the desert and also somewhat of a sea because of how unpredictable was when the characters traveled in the desert.

Events/Actions: This is book is a journey because through out the whole book Callaghen is on a quest to find the gold. Since Callaghen is classified as a seeker the story can be classified as a journey. Also, many other characters in the book are also on a journey to find the gold including Champion, Spencer and Wylie but all of them fail in finding the gold.

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